特殊教育(M).A. 4+1)

Designed to prepare teachers for supporting students of all abilities, the M.A. Special Education 4+1 opportunity allows exceptional senior elementary or secondary education majors to complete the master’s program in just one calendar year by taking two graduate courses during the senior year.

The M.A. Special Education program is accredited by the Rhode Island 教育部 (RIDE) and is aligned to the Rhode Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS) and the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Special Educator Professional Ethics and Standards. 该项目特别注重公平, 文化响应和循证教学实践, 并纳入高残疾发生率的学生. 

Candidates seeking licensure in special education will be immersed in clinical placements in local schools, completing a residency with a school-based clinical educator certified in special education.  The program requires candidates to complete the equivalent of a year-old residency and 60 additional hours of clinical placement designed to meet the Rhode Island certification regulations that take effect in December 2022.  The program also requires a minimum of 30 hours in an urban school district, 并鼓励候选人花更多的时间在高需求地区.    

如果您已经获得学士学位,请查看 全职及兼职M.A. 特殊教育资讯


The 4+1 M.A. Special Education program allows for exceptional Roger Williams University undergraduate elementary education or secondary education majors the opportunity to earn six graduate credits during their senior year and, 如果信誉良好, continue on in one additional year of full-time study (either elementary or secondary special education). Students accepted into this program take two courses (one in the fall and one in the spring semester) of their senior year. The remaining eight courses (nine for secondary certification candidates) are completed as matriculated graduate students in one full-time year of study. Candidates interested in this program must apply during their undergraduate junior year for conditional acceptance in this program.  

  • Save Money
    The M.A. Special Education 4+1 Program allows students to start graduate coursework during the senior year, 这样可以节省近4美元,在研究生课程中. 
  • Save Time
    While most graduate degrees in Special Education take a year and a half or more to complete, 4+1的机会在一个日历年内完成, allowing students to enter the workforce and begin earning sooner than other programs.
  • 尽早接受和建议
    Special Education 4+1 candidates will apply during the junior year and start some graduate coursework in the senior year. The early courses provide a no-risk opportunity to take graduate classes without a significant financial commitment.
  • 经验
    Much like undergraduate study in the 教育部 at RWU, the M.A. Special Education program provides extensive field work to prepare students for their careers in the classroom.                                                                                      
  • Convenience
    学生们都因为这样或那样的原因爱上了罗杰. 通过追求特殊教育4+1的机会, students can continue their RWU experience for one additional year on a campus they know and love.              
EDU 608:法律 & 特殊教育的伦理基础 (3 credits)Online
EDU 607:卓越研究 (3 credits)Online
EDU 612:合作,联合教学 & Consultation (3 credits)Hybrid
EDU 613:培养亲社会行为 (3 credits)Hybrid
EDU 622: Research-Based Literacy Practices III: Preparing Strategic Readers, K-12 (3 credits)Hybrid
EDU 635:评估 & Planning (3 credits)Hybrid
EDU 640:数学干预 & 特殊教育的内容领域 (3 credits)Hybrid
EDU 644:中学后过渡规划 (2学分-仅限副考生)Hybrid
Winter Term
特殊教育实习 (3 credits)临床实习
特殊教育实习 (9 credits)临床实习
特殊教育顶点课程  (3 credits)Hybrid



To be considered for admission to the Master of Arts in Special Education degree program, 4+1候选人必须具有良好的学术地位. 


  1. Completed 在线申请.
  2. 官方成绩单 所有本科生和研究生的课程.
  3. 意向书 (三页, double-spaced maximum) detailing: A) Why you hold the dispositions to become a special education teacher committed to equity; and B) Experiences that inspired your desire to work with youth with exceptionalities
  4. 两封专业推荐信 attesting to your potential success in graduate school and to work with children with exceptionalities (one letter must be from a direct supervisor who has observed you working with children)
  5. Interview 与RWU特殊教育计划的一位教员合作.
  6. Current resume.
  7. A copy of a current BCI (Bureau of Criminal Identification) background check or equivalent document
    RWU undergraduate teaching candidates will have completed a BCI during the undergraduate studies. 我们将从RWU教育部门获得这些信息. 

RWU discloses that the Master of Arts in Special Education and Bachelor of Arts in Education do not satisfy all educational requirements for licensure as an elementary or secondary public-school educator. Certification and licensure requirements are set by the Rhode Island 教育部 (RIDE), 以及有兴趣了解RIDE要求的学生, 包括国家互惠政策, 应该通过 RIDE website or the students’ resident state websites for the most current information on licensure requirements for educators.